What’s new in the SmartSPIN demo sites?


Smarkia, Tecnalia, IERC, Lawler Sustainability, HEBES and EUNICES are currently implementing the recommended energy efficiency and flexibility measures at each pilot site to demonstrate and validate the SmartSPIN business model. Thus, each pilot site leader is managing and executing the demonstration of the SmartSPIN approach at their respective demonstration sites, ensuring that all relevant systems are operating according to the predefined specifications.  

 To this end, Smarkia has provided general monitoring guidelines and supporting documentation to ensure that their local pilots are able to report information into the Smarkia global platform in a standard format.  

LA GAVIA, Spanish demo site 

The demo sites selected in Spain are La Gavia and Plenilunio (Madrid). So far all the tests have been carried out in La Gavia, although Smarkia has started integrating the first set of five tenancies in Plenilunio.  In la Gavia Smarkia has included the electricity meters at tenant level for a first set of 6 tenancies and a similar installation will be performed in the future in Plenilunio. As a result, enough data has been gathered for engaging tenants as well as other key stakeholder for the validation of the SmartSPIN service.  

Modern city office, Irish demo site 

The demo site selected in Ireland is located in a modern city office in Herbert Street in Dublin. Lawler Sustainability has already outlined the technical intervention based on terms such as no costs/ low cost and deeper higher cost engineering interventions. Moreover, they have reviewed the leases and as a result they have suggested ways to improve them. To date, the client is considering next steps.   

I4G Building, Greek demo site 

The demo site selected in Greece is based on the I4G Building in Thessaloniki Greece.  In order to improve the building’s energy management and monitoring system, EUNICE has installed 15 smart meters and 17 smart plugs measuring in minute intervals the electricity consumption of each one of the tenants as well as for the whole building. Moreover, they have deployed an EV charger in the parking lot of the building, supplying with electricity the electric cars of the employees of the I4G Building but also for further investigating Vehicle two Grid (V2G) schemes in a fully operational environment.  All the energy data is collected and stored real time in EUNICE’s online cloud platform, called Joltie. The interconnection via API with SMARKIA’s global platform is currently underway. 

As next steps EUNICE, based on the real data obtain from the pilot site, is developing is developing an innovative flexible tariff structure for billing customers energy consumption derived on the current energy price in real time, further enhancing cost savings for the customers via a demand response approach.