Towards an efficient data analytics system for energy


The SmartSPIN consortium is continuously working to enhance the data analytics system for energy. In the last months, the efforts have specially focused on the capture, process and valorisation of the data stream arising from continuous building monitoring. To this end, the pilot sites coordinators have provided the first batches of data of the different case studies.

The most relevant case is the Spanish demo site for the shopping centers of La Gavia and Plenilunio. Those two buildings already counted with large sets of hourly data prior to the project. SMARKIA has properly prepared and shared these datasets with TECNALIA, which team is currently working on the evaluation of the provided data through self-developed algorithms for early building diagnostics.

Furthermore, site coordinators of Greece and Ireland have shared the first datasets on their respective demo sites. The data from these demo sites will be rather aggregated values and not as detailed as the one from the Spanish demo site. This will allow to test the developed models under different conditions.